
Showing posts with the label symptoms

Understanding Prostate Cancer: Diagnosis and Stages

Being told that you have prostate cancer can be a frightening experience. When you are told of your condition, it's common to be so overwhelmed that you neglect to ask important questions, only to think of them once you've gotten home. Understanding your illness is often the first step on the road to recovery. Here's what you need to know about your diagnosis and how the cancer is staged: 1.Diagnosing Stages Once a man has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, his physician will perform one or more additional tests to determine the stage of cancer. These tests may include a digital rectal examination, a blood test, an MRI of the prostate or skeleton, a CT of the pelvis and abdomen, or a surgical procedure to examine lymph nodes. While not all men will need each test, most men will undergo at least one of these tests in order for their physician to better stage the cancer. 2.Stage I If you are diagnosed with stage I prostate cancer, this means that your cancer is mi

Bad habits provoke asthma

In a world of almost 10% of people suffer from asthma .The prevalence of the disease among the adult population is 5-7%, and 10% among children. Today, doctors are faced with the problem of late detection of the disease, diagnosis is delayed by an average of 3-5 years. Often people do not pay attention to the first symptoms of asthma, and learn about its presence when develop severe forms of the disease. "Asthma can occur at any age. But more often it is diagnosed in children. And boys disease recorded in 2 times more often than girls. However, by 20-30 years in the sex ratio in this disease aligned "- says allergist. Occurrence of asthma to such factors as genetic predisposition, exposure to different allergens, viral and bacterial infections, adverse environment, poor nutrition, bad habits. All this has a negative effect on the immune system and the body becomes helpless against various diseases, including asthma before. Physicians are advised to pay attention to th

Some facts relating to viral lung diseases

Viral diseases are the most commonly known complications that affect the human lungs. Before its entry into the lung, viruses are known to cause infections in the upper respiratory part. Some of the common infections caused by the virus include Pneumonia, Bronchiolitis, and Interstitial Lung Disease. The later emerged viral infections have more potency to cause larger outbreaks of severe respiratory diseases. The infections usually occur during the winter and the viral often spreads via transmission process due to sneezing and coughing. Bronchiolitis is a kind of inflammation attacking the membrane linings in the bronchioles. Various viruses like respiratory syncytial virus, influenza, or flu virus are involved for carrying out this kind of inflammation. This type of disorder is generally seen in young children and infants. Congesting nose is the starting associated symptoms that can further proceed to affect the lungs and cause symptoms of bronchiolitis. The symptoms linked to

Fat men die of prostate cancer

Adipose tissue surrounding the prostate gland of men with obesity, creates favorable conditions for the progression of prostate cancer. What is the prostate gland The prostate gland - is musculo-glandular organ located below the bladder and surrounding the initial portion of the urethra. The main function of the prostate is to produce secretions, which is part of semen. Ducts of the prostate glands open into the urethra. Prostate cancer In the early stages of prostate cancer does not manifest itself. Complaints are associated with tumor spread and metastasis. At the stage the only manifestation of the lack of symptoms, allowing the disease to suspect, is to increase blood levels of prostate specific antigen (PSA). As prevention of prostate cancer for all men should conduct an annual PSA test beginning at age 45. By increasing the size of the tumor shows the following symptoms: Frequent urination Difficulty urinating Urinary incontinence urge to urinate. The essence of

Breast Cancer Symptoms

In the initial stages, the breast cancer has no obvious symptoms and it vary in individuals from lumps to swelling and changes in the skin. A lump too small which is felt does not cause any unusual changes and it is unnoticed. However, in many cases appearance of new lump or a mass is the first sign noticed. The lump may be hard to touch with uneven edges and they are painless. But there are cases the lump is very tender, round edged and soft. More lumps are painless. Breast Cancer Symptoms are: Swelling of part of the breast or all parts Skin irritation in the breast. Nipple pain, Nipple begins to turn inward (inverted) slowly Breast pain. Appearances of changes in the nipple like redness, scaly formation, thickening of the nipple. A nipple discharge (bloody or clear fluid) Changes in the skin of the breast like thickening. Arm pit with lymph nodes or a mass or lump It is essential to note that these symptoms always an indication for a breast cancer. But in so